5 great videos:

Fr. Barron and Dr. Scott Hahn discussing Biblical Interpretation:   https://youtu.be/c76arNH0Nec

Spirit Juice Films – short video about Adoration:  https://youtu.be/28W-SLnAuEg

Mike Sweeney and Phillip Rivers discussing NFP:   https://youtu.be/ZfjwH-JjDEE

Outside Da Box video about Reconciliation:   https://youtu.be/iDadkZgIKTE

Sacraments 201 from Busted Halo about the Eucharist:   https://youtu.be/dFVuW5nJjCAArchdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas – Main Website

Archdiocesan Digital Media Center – Online resource for great Catholic videos

Christ’s Peace House of Prayer

United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

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